the P.C. Commandants that run your school, PIG welcomes you
to relate your experiences. We will accept essays, comments,
cartoons, illustrations, or just general information about
the climate of your particular campus/stalag/gulag. Please
respond to: [email protected] |
needs to visit PIG's Student Lounge? Anyone who answers 'yes'
to one or more of these questions:
Is campus correctness out of control at
your school or university?
Is your school run more like a gulag
than an institute of higher learning?
Do you sense you are leaving the
United States and forfeiting your
Constitutional rights every time you
set foot on campus?
Do you feel like going postal because
your campus supports and encourages
"certain" self-segregating
student groups
or unions, while denouncing others, all
in the name of diversity?
Does victim coddling campus crap like
'diversity training', 'sensitivity training'
and Ethnic/Gender Studies get on your
last raw nerve?
Still pissed over your First Amendment
Rights getting Hijacked by Draconian,
ruthlessly enforced campus speech codes?
Does your school perpetrate an agenda to
silence and repress you into blind obedience,
rather than educate and expose you to an
intellectual diversity that includes unrestricted
ideas, dialogue and opinion?
feel your pain. Unlike jackbooted liberals, we don't stop there,
we want to help. PIG is offering extra credit for any/all students
that submit their personal experiences with overly oppressive
campus Korrectnik's and their policies. You won't be getting any
gold stars or happy face stickers from your instructors, but your
submission to PIG will allow you the opportunity to expose political
correctness at your school, tell the world just why P.C. doesn't
work, get published in PIG, and have fun at the expense of your
brain dead teachers and fellow students.
is why PIG is proud to provide to you, the PIG Student Lounge.
Our student Lounge is a safe haven for any student regardless
of race, color, age, tribe, ethnicity, gender, religion, political
party, criminal background, credit-rating, shoe size or socioeconomic
level, who has been, or one day will be, affected, angered, alienated,
offended, censored, subjected to, or amused by political correctness.
Here, students can relax, have a smoke, read magazines that objectify
women, books that bash liberals, socialists, Korrectniks and their
peacenik professors, freely support our war efforts, throw darts
at pictures of their ex-favorite movie and TV stars and Che Gueverra,
tell "insensitive" jokes about the various self-segregating studies
programs, and freely discuss (write to PIG) what exactly sticks
in their craw about P.C. on your campus/gulag/stalag. Hell, you
can even form your own dodgeball team, free of any Title IX restrictions.
warned. While PIG salutes you for coming out of the P.C. closet
with a hearty two-thumbs up, you will be sure to incur the wrath
of correctly cloned students and teachers alike.